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Audi TT finished in a metallic blue with 103,872 miles is now available at SRE Motors. The vehicle is in great condition and has been well maintained by the previous owners, recently having its timing and water pump replaced and a full service. The vehicle has had a full vehicle inspection, it will also come with a brand new 12 month MOT, 3 months warranty and 12 months breakdown cover. The TT is fitted with retractable spoiler, leather…
Audi TT finished in a metallic blue with 103,872 miles is now available at SRE Motors. The vehicle is in great condition and has been well maintained by the previous owners, recently having its timing and water pump replaced and a full service. The vehicle has had a full vehicle inspection, it will also come with a brand new 12 month MOT, 3 months warranty and 12 months breakdown cover. The TT is fitted with retractable spoiler, leather comfort seats, electric windows, radio, air-conditioning and many more features. The Audi is a low insurance group, ULEZ compliant and also highly economical averaging around 36.7 MPGContact us today to arrange a viewing, arrange finance, reserve this vehicle or for anymore information.
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